Sammy Strent is an accomplished and versatile conductor whose experience ranges from orchestras to choirs and small chamber groups. Strent has conducted in a variety of performance contexts, including conducting a live chamber orchestra for a film he scored in 2021, a wind ensemble piece at a 2023 Emerging Composers Concert, and a large choir at his 2024 senior recital.
Strent has conducted at chamber-music workshops, small recitals, large-scale concerts, and high school festivals.
Strent also has thorough experience working as a music director and choral clinician, and has led ensembles as a rehearsal pianist and conductor.
Strent understands that each ensemble requires a different rehearsal structure, method of feedback and communication, rehearsal strategies, and culture of the whole process. With every ensemble that he works with, Strent takes time to really get to know the members of each ensemble and understand what makes them unique in order to determine how they can best succeed.

Recent Conducting Projects
-"Darkens More" for Wind Ensemble (2024)
-"Un Paso Adelante" SATB with Percussion (2024)
-"Songs for the People" TTBB (2024)
-Walt Whitman High School Chamber Choir (2022)
-"Mutation" by Asher Lurie (2022)
-Sound of Silence Film Festival (2022)